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Diploma Administrative Information

The Terms & Conditions listed below are applicable for all GEA Institute Diploma Programmes:

Refund Policy

1.0 Processing of a Refund:

  • If you wish to request for a refund, please inform GEA in writing with complete supporting documents where applicable to
  • The outcome will be communicated to you within 7 working days from your refund request. If it is approved, the refund will be processed within 7 working days.
  • If you have paid via Cheque/Telegraphic Transfer/Credit Card and are seeking a refund, the Finance team will advise upon clearing of the cheque/payment transfer before refund can be processed.

2.1 Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course:
The PEI will notify the Student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:
(i) It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
(ii) It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;
(iii) It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;
(iv) It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;
(v) It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Schedule A within any stipulated timeline set by CPE; or
(vi) The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
The Student should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.

2.2 Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons:
If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Clause 2.1, the PEI will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the table in Schedule D.

2.3 Refund During Cooling-Off Period:
The PEI will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties.
The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D) of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the PEI within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.

2.4 Refund Amount:

% of [the amount of fees paid
under Schedules B and C]
If Student’s written notice of
withdrawal is received:
[90]more than [30] days before the
Course Commencement Date
[70]before, but not more than
[7] days before the Course
Commencement Date
[50]after, but not more than [7] days
after the Course Commencement
[0]more than [7] days after the
Course Commencement Date

Course Transfer and Leave of Absence:

  1. Approval for course transfer and leave of absence are granted on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Students are subject to meeting each individual course’s admission requirements as well as the conditions for which a course transfer or leave of absence will be granted as part of the consideration. Such conditions will be made available in the Programme Handbook where applicable.
  3. A transfer fee may be applicable for some programmes.
  4. A new PEI-Student Contract will be executed between the Student and GEA when the a course transfer request has been approved or when the Student’s original student contract has expired at the point of student returning from his/her leave of absence.
  5. Students are deemed to have withdrawn from the original course when the application for course transfer is approved; the refund percentage as indicated in the refund table shall apply.

Withdrawal Policy

  • Withdrawal – This policy applies when you discontinue your study and cease to be a student of GEA.
  • Automatic Withdrawal – You are deemed to have withdrawn from the programme, if you fail to do ALL of the following:

i. Attend the classes, as evidenced by marking your attendance, in a term or study period;

ii. Attempt any assessment items in a term or study period;

iii. Make any required payments within 60 days after the payment due date

iv. Respond in writing to the email and/or letter sent by registered post to advise on your intention of continuing studies within 14 days after the date of the email/registered post.

Late Payment

1. GEA considers payment made 7 days after the scheduled due date(s) for your monthly Instalment as late. Late payment fees will be charged as shown in the MISC Fees table below.

2. Students with any outstanding fees or charges will not be allowed to access the LMS, be refused eligibility for graduation and provision of final results/academic transcript.


Purpose of FeeAmount (with GST, if any)
Late Payment Fees:
Re-taking Examinations
Re-taking Module
Graduation + Admin


MarksGradeGrade PointsLevel of
90 – 100
80 – 89
75 – 79
70 – 74
65 – 69
Very Good
60 – 64B-3.00Good
55 – 59
50 – 54
40 – 49
35 – 39
00 – 34

Academic Misconduct and Penalties

In order for the integrity of reported academic achievements of students to be upheld, GEA takes academic misconduct seriously. Over and above cheating during the examinations, academic misconduct refers to any form of dishonesty committed by a student in relation to any form of assessment. It includes the following offences:

1. Plagiarism

Plagiarism occurs when you submit the work of another person as original work and/or paraphrasing or directly quoting material from a source without appropriate or adequate acknowledgement.

2. Self-plagiarism

Submitting a marked assignment or part of a marked assignment that had been previously submitted to satisfy the requirements for another course or for the same course in an earlier semester, without first obtaining permission from the instructor of the course in which the student is currently registered.

Findings of plagiarism will remain on a student’s record permanently.

3. Collusion

Students are to take note that collaboration in the completion of written assignments is prohibited unless explicitly permitted by the instructor. Students must acknowledge any collaboration and its extent in all submitted assignments. Students are subject to disciplinary action if they:

  • submit as their own work via a paper purchased from a term paper company, an or multiple individuals or download from the Internet;
  • submit an assignment that was partially or wholly completed by another individual or other individuals;
  • assist another student wherein the other student intends to commit any act of academic dishonesty. This offence would include, but is not limited to, providing an assignment to another student to submit as his or her own work or allowing another student to copy answers to any test, examination, or assignment.

4. Penalties for Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious offence and may result in the following penalties:

Occurrences of
Penalty for Academic Offence
1st Offencei) Warning letter; with or without
ii) Reduction of grade for
assignment penalised
iii) Complete and Pass Academic
Integrity Module.
2nd Offence*i) Zero score for assignment
ii) No refund of course fees
iii) Complete and pass Academic
Integrity Module
3rd Offencei) Zero marks (i.e. “F grade”) for the course
ii) No refund of course fees
iii) Complete and pass Academic
Integrity Module
4th Offencei) Expulsion from the programme
ii) No refund of programme fees
iii) Complete and pass Academic
Integrity Module should the
student intend to study again at the Institute

5. Penalties for Collusion Misconduct

Collusion is a serious offence and may result in the following penalties:

First offence:              

A fail grade in the assessment item in which the offence occurred and student is required to re-module.

Second offence:

GEA will issue a written statement to notify the student of expulsion from the programme.

6. Examination Misconduct

  • Invigilators will submit written reports regarding exam misconduct cases to be submitted to the Exams Office for investigation and warning letter preparation.
  • The warning letter is prepared according to the academic policy and to submitted to a supervisor in charge for approval before sending to student.

7. Penalties for Examination Misconduct

Examination misconduct is a serious offence and may result in the following penalties:

First offence: 

A fail grade in the assessment item in which the offence occurred and student is required to re-module; or Suspension/Expulsion for serious academic misconduct determined by Examination Board.

Second offence:

GEA will issue a written statement to notify the student of expulsion from the programme.

The appeal procedure will apply if student wishes to appeal on the penalty or determination. Findings of academic misconduct will remain on a student’s record permanently.

8. Scholarship
A scholarship recipient must sign a scholarship contract to successfully receive the scholarship for part of the tuition fees.

9. Scholarship Requirements
A scholarship recipient must be enrolled into a study programme at GEA. A scholarship recipient must follow all conditions set out in the scholarship contract which include the successful completion of the full period of study, graduating and upholding the code of conduct to maintain their scholarship.

10. Scholarship Termination
GEA has the right to terminate the scholarship award and the student will become liable for the full school fees without the scholarship, including the scholarship amounts already paid out and any damages caused to GEA for the awarding of the scholarship if the conditions mentioned above and, in the scholarship contract, have been broken.

11. Apply for Graduation
When a student expects to graduate at the end of a particular module or study period, he/she must ‘Apply for Graduation’ within their student account in the LMS during the period set by the campus which is 1 month before the end of the study period. If the student does not do so, he or she maybe subject to late payment penalties.

12. Requirements to Graduate
When a student intends to ‘Apply for Graduation, they must ensure that their:

  1. Academic requirements have been met
  2. Paid their graduation fees 
  3. No outstanding payments.

13. What to do if your Application for Graduation has not been approved?

  • Check with the campus if you have any academic requirements not yet completed.
  • Check if you have any outstanding payments.
  • You may contact the campus for more advice.